
"Without the nurturing growth and accountability of the community of faith, we will never have the clarity of
discernment that will enable us to walk in Christ's way in the midst of a world that would try to bend us out of that way."

- M. Robert Mulholland Jr.

Sunday Eucharist

It's here that we are nourished by the sacraments of word and table, where our lives and loves are realigned, and where we worship in concert with the host of heaven and the family of Saints past, present and future. We intentionally hold the truths of God before our minds through the word as we contemplate God in the face of Jesus. Here too we engage with God experientially through our bodies as we receive the bread and wine and celebrate the memorial of our redemption. Our Eucharistic worship is a holistic experience and reflects our preference to engage the whole of our being. When infirmity, travel, or other circumstances keep us away from weekly worship, we also have the gift of receiving the Eucharist at home through Diaconal service.

Our gathering lasts a little over an hour, in which we follow an Anglican liturgy of prayer, scripture reading, confession, short sermon and weekly Eucharist (communion) from the ACNA Book of Common Prayer (Renewed Ancient Text).

On a normal Sunday, we have a simple, intimate gathering that includes times of song and silent and corporate prayer. Our gatherings include many children, whom we encourage to participate in as much of the service as they can.



Sundays at 4:00 pm


We are happy to welcome you!

We especially love having college & seminary students among us. If you are a student who wants to worship with us and needs a ride, please reach out and we will put you in touch with someone to help.




609 W 20th Street

(We share a building with La Casa de mi Padre and Real Life Fellowship.)


  • We offer a nursery for toddlers to preschool-age (up to age 4).  For K to 2nd-graders, we introduce a Little Liturgy of song, story and response time to help transition them into adult worship.  More details below.
  • There is an elevator on the north side of the building, if you need it.
  • All baptized Christians, including children, are invited to participate in the Holy Eucharist. Those who are not baptized or who do not believe they are ready to receive the sacrament are invited to come forward for a blessing from the Priest. Click here for a fuller explanation about participating in the eucharist in an Anglican church.

Please join us! You are so welcome!


Children of all ages are welcome in our worship and many families choose to keep even their youngest children with them to experience the richness of the liturgy, hear scripture, and learn to quiet their hearts to hear God.  Babbling babies and occasional screeches are a normal part of the noises of our sanctuary.  If you have a child who is not ready for the entire service with mom or dad, we have care for children ages infant-1st grade.

NURSERY: We have trained staff to care for infants-preschool (up to age 4) in a nursery.  Parents pick up their little ones at the passing of the peace to join in Eucharist.

LITTLE LITURGY: Children preK-1st grade are invited to worship in Little Liturgy.  A storyteller and 2 helpers guide the children in an intentional order of worship: turning our attention to God, proclaiming His Word through story, responding to the story through conversation and activity, and listening and talking to God through prayer.  In this way, Little Liturgy operates like a steppingstone preparing children to participate in corporate worship when they enter 2nd grade.  Children are returned to the sanctuary around the time of the passing of the peace to join in Eucharist.  Little Liturgy runs during the school year and takes a break for the summer.

Both of these rooms are down the steps and to the right from the main entrance.

Nursery and Little Liturgy policies:

  • Food is not allowed in the kids' rooms.
  • Per All Saint's’ safety policy, parents are not allowed to linger in the children's room.  Our volunteers have been trained and screened and your children's safety is our priority.  If your child will not be happy apart from you, please keep them with you in worship.  We want this to be a good experience for everyone. 

Resource Page for Little Liturgy helpers (members only)

formation at home

We seek to empower parents as the primary shepherds of their children and we endeavor to support and resource you to help your kids know and love Jesus.  We are working to build a culture of "family table" where multiple ages can meaningfully engage the Lord and each other, so it is common for kids to be included in most of our gatherings and to be encouraged to join in the work of the church as they are able.  Visit our church calendar page for information about how to use the Liturgical Year to disciple your children at home. 

Daily Prayer

Our lives in God are sustained through abiding in his presence and by renewing our minds daily through Holy Scripture. But God rarely forces himself into our schedule. Jesus invites us to abide with him, to offer our time and attention and tells us, not as a rebuke, but as a simple statement of reality, that "As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me" (Jn 15:4).

This is one of the chief ways that we abide with our Lord, enjoying his presence even as he enjoys us, his beloved. A habit of daily prayer and scripture reading is foundational to our formation. There are many ways to pray. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer is our guidebook for personal and corporate prayer. While it is not the only way to pray, we find it a very helpful place to begin. In it are many liturgies and prayers to guide our devotion. It can be downloaded for free, you can purchase a book, or use the BCP app.


In this video, Deacon Miguel shows us how to use the BCP for personal, small group and family prayer and scripture reading.  He answers questions such as, "What do the italicized texts mean? Where do I find the scripture passages assigned for the day?  What can I do to simplify the prayers when I have time constraints or am praying with young children?  Where can I find prayers for specific joys and concerns to help expand my prayer vocabulary?  Is there a digital version of all this?"

There are many ways to pray using the BCP.  Here are some suggestions, starting simple and moving to more robust.

5 min or less:

  • Use a Collect from the Occasional Prayers to guide your daily prayer (pp. 642-683).
  • Learn a prayer for the morning, night or dinnertime from pp. 76-78.
  • Pray the Collect for the week of the Christian Year beginning on pp. 598.

15 min or less:

  • Pray the Psalms from the Psalter for the day of the month. Guide on p. 735.
  • Family Prayer is an abbreviated version of daily prayers. They begin on p. 66. You can add daily lectionary readings as desired.

30 min:

  • Follow the lectionary readings for your Bible reading plan. The daily reading schedule begins on p. 738.
  • Pray the full Morning and/or Evening Office, adding Midday and Compline as you are able.  Begin on p. 11.

The Daily Office App has fully customizable settings for many of these options.

Weekly Evening Prayer

& Sunday Scripture Reading Conversation

Time: Tuesdays 6-8pm

Location: 291 W Lakewood Blvd, Suite 4

Deacon Miguel invites you to join in corporate evening prayer and a discussion of the upcoming Sunday's scripture readings.  Come as early as 6pm to chat, but make sure you're there before 6:30pm for evening prayer.  The group discusses the upcoming Sunday's scripture passages to prepare hearts and minds for worship.  Miguel will wrap up by 8pm.  Contact him at for more details.

home parishes

These small communities offer the encouragement, support, accountability, and care that sustain us on our formation journey. It's here that we learn to love one another as Christ has loved us (Jn 13:34) and to bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Gal 6:2). Home Parishes are intended to be communities of formation, service, care, and mission. Active participation in a Home Parish will look different based on your stage of life and apprenticeship to Jesus, but as a baseline you're invited to join your Home Parish for:

  • periodic gatherings for meals, study, prayer, service and celebration
  • service in Sunday worship
  • seasonal invitations to spiritual practices (Penitential seasons for almsgiving, fasting, confession, "Tides" for feasting, hospitality, celebration, and Green times (Normal Time) for study and growth

If you are interested in joining a home parish, please contact us!

Click here to learn more about our vision for Home Parishes and our corresponding Rule of Life.

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