Who We Are

Jesus invites us to join His family.

Becoming part of All Saints is an invitation to a way of life.


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Our Anglican Identity

We are committed to following Jesus Christ through the demonstration and proclamation of the Good News of the Gospel to the whole creation. Our way of life is founded on Holy Scripture and the pattern of the “one, holy, catholic and apostolic church”.  The Scripture is “God’s Word written”, affirmed in the creeds of the historic church, and are interpreted in light of Christian tradition. To be an Anglican, then, is not to embrace a unique version of Christianity, but a distinct way of being a “Mere Christian,” at the same time evangelical, apostolic, catholic, reformed, and Spirit-filled.

Our Anglican Practice

We are a liturgical people, responding to God and to one another. We live and worship in the ebb and flow of the historical Church calendar. Our pattern of daily prayer and sacramental worship incorporates everyone as participants, actively engaging the best of the ancient Christian faith. We find great strength and comfort praying and worshipping in congruence with millions of other Christians, both globally and historically


Our Anglican covering


We proudly serve under our Bishop, The Right Reverend Mark A. Engel.

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All Saints Holland is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes (ADGL).


All Saints Holland and the ADGL are part of The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).

Our History


All Saints Holland emerged in the winter of 2012 after Brian Wolthuis was ordained to the diaconate.  A small group gathered in an upper room chapel inside a converted garage for simple Sunday worship informed by the liturgy in The Book of Common Prayer. In 2013, Brian was ordained priest and our gatherings became a weekly Eucharist. More families joined, as well as college students, young singles, empty-nesters, and retirees, and a Grand Rapids-based contingent. Our few families had become many and so we began to form purposeful fellowships to care for one another and grow in Christ-likeness.

In 2018, it was clear we needed more space for weekly worship, so we moved our Sunday Eucharist down the street to a 100-year old sanctuary, though some of our gatherings and meetings, offices, and daily prayer services remained in the garage-chapel. The heart of our life together was still centered in living rooms, lingering in parks or driveways, and over cups of coffee and dinner tables.  All Saints also began a Curacy to prepare Kris Rolls for ordination and church planting.

In 2020, to accommodate a growing staff and to refocus the chapel building as a place of prayer and spiritual formation, the church office moved to share a renovated office above a great pizza joint.  Then, in the summer of 2020, Fr. Brian was able to take a Sabbatical prior to an eventful autumn. In the Fall of 2020, All Saints helped launch Christ Church Grand Rapids with Fr. Kris Rolls as rector, we moved our own Sunday gatherings to a shared worship space, and Tim West was ordained a Deacon.  In the Fall of 2022, Miguel Cruz was ordained Deacon and we began our "School of Formation" through home parishes, focusing on our commitment to be formed in the way of Jesus.

Our Vision and Values

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We Welcome


Hospitality is the front door to faith, the living room that we grow in, and the workbench for evangelism. We share life together in a living community which encourages communion, mutual care, and a variety of gifts. We swap our stories and pray, we eat together, celebrate and mourn together, and we serve together.


Baptism is birth into the body of Christ. By it, the Holy Spirit scrubs our sin and guilt and makes us new. That’s a lot, but that’s not all. It gives you an instant family. When someone is baptized, regardless of their age, a promise is made. As we do life together, we fulfill the promises of God in Baptism, to bring us all home.

We Shape


It's here that we are nourished by the sacraments of word and table, where our lives and loves are realigned, and where we worship in concert with the host of heaven and the family of Saints past, present and future. We intentionally hold the truths of God before our minds through the word; we contemplate God in the face of Jesus. Here too we engage with God experientially through our bodies as we receive the bread and wine and celebrate the memorial of our redemption. Our Eucharistic worship is a holistic experience, and cuts across our preferences to engage the whole of our being. When infirmity, travel, or other circumstance keep us away from weekly worship, we also have the gift of receiving the Eucharist at home
through Deaconal service.  Find out more about weekly Eucharist here.

Daily Prayer

Our lives in God are sustained through abiding in his presence and by renewing our minds daily through Holy Scripture. But God rarely forces himself into our schedule. Jesus invites us to abide with him, to offer our time and attention and tells us, not as a rebuke, but as a simple statement of reality, that "As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me" (Jn 15:4). As Anglicans we embrace the rhythms of daily prayer and scripture reading guided by Book of Common Prayer (BCP). This is one of the chief ways that we abide with our Lord, enjoying his presence even as he enjoys us, his beloved. A habit of daily prayer and scripture reading is foundational to our formation.  Visit our resources page for more information.

Home Parish

These small communities offer the encouragement, support, accountability, and care that sustain us on our formation journey. It's here that we learn to love one another as Christ has loved us (Jn 13:34) and to bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Gal 6:2). Home Parishes are intended to be communities of formation, service, care, and mission. Visit our Home Parish page for more information.

We Send

Reaching Out

The natural and abundant overflow of the generous love of God results in a rich life of service and mission. Together and individually we seek to bless others with generosity of our time, our talents, and our cash.  Well, none of it is “ours”, it all belongs to God and we get to share.


After you’ve been baptized (joined the family) and catechized (shaped by living and learning ‘the stuff’ of being a Christian) you may be ready to receive another gift from the Holy Spirit. In Confirmation, we make a mature profession of faith (before the Bishop and congregation) and publicly renew the vows and promises made at baptism.  The Bishop lays on hands, prays, and we are blessed and empowered to live and serve as a full disciple. We are people who seek to grow up into the full measure of Christ (Eph. 4:13). Confirmation is like being ordained for a life of Christian mission. And mission is right where we are, right now.


Ordination (Holy Orders) is a vocation and formation process that culminates in the laying on of the bishop’s hands with prayer, confirming the gifts and calling of the candidates, consecrating them, and granting them authority to serve Christ and his Church as a deacon or priest. As a local church, we are committed to grow healthy servant leaders within our community of formation, and we have a Curacy to shape leaders called to ordained service of Christ and His church.


Fr. Brian Wolthuis


Fr. Miguel Cruz

Asst. Priest

Tim West


Joshua Bowman

Director of Operations

Melissa Rosin

Operations Coordinator

Chris Marlink

Director of Formation

John Valles

Director of Media and Technology
Dale Nye

Dale Nye

Director of Little Liturgy



Melissa Bowman, Treasurer

Vika Schlehuber

Rachel Johnson

Fr. Brian Wolthuis

Tim Rosin

Peter Bast

Chandler Karadsheh, Sr. Warden