Christmastide: Dec 25 - Jan 5

A Celebration of the Incarnation
- Isa 9:1-7
- Ps 96
- Titus 2:11-14
- Luke 2:1-20
Almighty God, you have given your only-begotten Son to take our nature upon him, and to be born [this day] of a pure virgin: Grant that we, who have been born again and made your children by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by your Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the same Spirit be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen.
- Participate in a special Christmas Eve worship service and any other special services during Christmastide.
Keep the Decorations Up
- Leave the Christmas decorations up at home. Let the lights and merriment continue to brighten and cheer your home and community. As we look forward to Epiphany, the Wise Men and camels may be continuing their journey toward the crèche and perhaps even more lights or stars are being added to guide their way.
- Light the Christ Candle in your advent wreath each night using the Advent Guide for prayers and reflection prompts.
- Continue giving gifts, doing acts of service and generosity for others, or planning special activities for your family or friends. The fun doesn’t stop on December 25, it just begins. There are a smattering of Holy Days throughout Christmastide and it can be fun to coordinate gifts/activities to the meaning of the day. Try to plan one special gift or activity for each of the 12 days.
- Participate in a Christmas Hymn and Carol sing with your congregation, family and/or friends. There are so many wonderful Christmas hymns/carols and a great way to keep the season is by waiting until now to sing them. Below are listed 2/day to guide your listening, learning and singing!
- Sing a portion of The Twelve Days of Christmas each day and add a matching ornament to your Christmas tree. This song may have had secular origins, but Christians have used the lyrics to explain basic tenets of the faith to young children since the 16th century.
- Plan special meals with family or friends. Splurge on delicious food and drink, use your best dishes and linens, and enjoy the feast and fellowship.
- Make and enjoy your favorite seasonal cookies or sweets - save special recipes just for this time.
More ideas HERE.
Church Calendar Resources
- Book of Common Prayer, 2019, ACNA
- Church Calendar Living channel on Slack
- Explore the All Saints Church Calendar section of our website
- Sacred Seasons by Danielle Hitchen