what is ordinary time?
Pentecost Sunday is the transition day between the Pascal Cycle and Ordinary Time, which begins the Monday after Pentecost and stretches until Advent. Lasting nearly 6 months, it is the longest season of the church year. In it, we walk the faithful and steady path of discipleship. We journey inward (strengthening our connection to Christ) and journey outward (in love for others) all in the context of our life together as the church.
why is ordinary time important?
Anglicancompass.com's Rookie Guide to Ordinary Time says, "During the Season after Pentecost (Ordinary Time), we focus on the life of the Church as it grows in the midst of the world. The Season after Pentecost is for the Church to live out her vocation in the midst of the world, recalling that every Sunday is a celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. “Ordinary” Time might well refer to living out our “ordinary” lives as Christians. But, since we follow the risen Lord of the Universe, there’s nothing “ordinary” about it!"