A Celebration of the Resurrection

Resurrection by Fra Angelico
After the waiting and preparation of Lent passes, a great fifty-day feast begins! THIS is the high point of the church year! Our Lenten fast only lasts forty days (not including Sundays), while Easter is fifty days. Fasting will pass away, as Jesus said, but the Great Feast of the Lamb will last for eternity. This is the time to bask in the glory of the resurrection; to reflect on the new life God has given us through the sacrifice of Christ. After the resurrection, Jesus spent forty days on earth before he ascended, and then there were ten more days after that before the Day of Pentecost. So, the Great Fifty Days are a celebration of the resurrection of Christ and all that means for us, leading to the launching of the Christian church and its mission on Pentecost.
Easter Day Scriptures & Collect
- Acts 10:34-43
- Ps 118:14-17, 22-24
- Col 3:1-4
- Luke 24:1-12
O God, who for our redemption gave your only begotten Son to die upon the Cross, and by his glorious resurrection delivered us from the devil and the power of death: Grant us grace to die daily to sin, that we may live with him in the joy of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.
- Decorate your home with flowers, a homemade banner, or a special centerpiece at the table.
- Make resurrection rolls from scratch or here is an easy version.
- Begin your days or meals with, "The Lord is Risen!" and "He is Risen Indeed!"
- The tradition of new and special clothes and shoes for Easter is a symbol of being washed clean and clothed in white at our baptism. Get your new clothes bought, washed and ready for Easter.
- Make "empty tomb" cookies on Saturday night, that will be ready for Easter day.
- Wake up early and head outside to watch the sunrise from a good spot.
- Splurge on a new pair of shoes, hat or outfit for worship.
- Dress up and attend worship & baptism with All Saints! Bring flowers to decorate the cross and altar during the service.
- Prepare and enjoy a feast!
- Plan for your Easter Season celebrations!
- Practice hospitality! Gather with your friends or home parish for a celebration!
- Bring back the Alleluias
- No fasting for the 50 days of Easter!
- Splurge on special food & drink!
- Purchase thoughtful gifts for the people in your life!
- Plan special outings or dates with someone you love!
- Go on a hike and look for signs of new life. Sketch or take pictures of what you find. Learn the names of the flowers, plants, creatures and trees you see.
- Plant a garden, flower pot or "resurrection garden."
- What brings you joy? How could you make more space for that in your life?
- Make a fire in the backyard and have fish and bread, like Jesus and Peter did, after Jesus was raised from the dead and visited his disciples. Read John 21:1-19 together.
- Read an Easter book with children in your life:
The Easter Story by Brian Wildsmith
The Colt and the King by Marni McGee
The Story of Easter by Aileen Fisher
Rechenka’s Eggs by Patricia Polacco
The Egg Tree by Katherine Milhous