Creeds, Prayers, and Catechesis

As a reminder, Creeds Prayers & Catechesis (our last segment of Mere Christianity) will run from July 30 through August 27. We’ll be independently reading from To Be A Christian, which you can purchase for $10 on Sunday following worship. You can also get a free version online here. The sections to read are not too long, and would make for a good family discipleship opportunity when read together with children.

The reading plan is as follows:

Week 1
Beginning with Christ: Understanding Salvation in Christ Pgs. 19-27 (Articles 1 – 17)
Week 2
Believing in Christ: The Apostles’ Creed and Holy Scripture Pgs. 29-55 (Articles 18 – 120)
Week 3
Belonging in Christ: The Lord’s Prayer Pgs. 65-81 (Articles 154 – 223)
Week 4
Becoming Like Christ: The Ten Commandments Read pgs. 89-90 (Articles 256-267) and
Justification and Forgiveness: Living in Healing Read pgs.111-114 (Articles 357-368)

Reach out to your Home Parish communicator about dates/times of meetings, and let me know if you have any questions for Chris Marlink. Thanks!