Advent in Home Parishes – 2023

Advent begins on Sunday December 3, 2023, and throughout Advent we’ll be engaging with a practice/study on fasting fromĀ Practicing the Way.

Advent is a season of anticipation, preparation, and penitence. Fasting is a practice that sharpens our longing for Christ; fasting is a practice that represents the nexus of spirit and flesh. It’s a fully embodied practice from the life of Jesus that has much to teach us today.

In a season of excess and commercialism, fasting is deeply countercultural. It will be essential for many of us to practice fasting in community for the support and encouragement we’ll need.

Practicing Fasting as a Community
We are encouraging home parishes to gather weekly throughout Advent to watch the videos together and work through the companion guide. Include a meal in your time, or snacks and coffee. Make it a thing.

If your HP isn’t able to organize your own meeting, anyone (or any home parish) is also invited to join the Central City HP at the chapel on 16th St. beginning on Wednesday, November 29 6:30-8pm. We’ll gather same time, same place on 11/29, 12/6, 12/13, 12/20. If you can’t attend a gathering any week, feel free to “drop-in” when you can. You’ll get out of this what you put into it. The video content for the practice for your individual study will become available this coming Sunday, Nov 26.

Please note that childcare and food will not be provided at the Wednesday, central-parish meetings. 

To do pronto, please:

  1. Sign up for the fasting practice.
  2. Download the fasting practice digital guide.

What to Expect

  • a video teaching component
  • a digital workbook that companions the video that will guide small group discussion time
  • accompanying podcasts (optional)
  • additional suggested resources (optional books) that will assist you into go as deep as you’d like with this practice.

A Final Word

We always start where we are, not where we “should” be. There will be small first steps for those who’ve never practiced fasting, and opportunities to be stretched for those who’ve made fasting a regular discipline.

The goal in all of this isn’t to become experts in fasting. The goal is union with Christ. We must have more of HIM if we are to grow up into the fullness of His image.

To riff on C.S. Lewis, fasting has the potential to put us near the fire where we can be warmed, and near the fountain where we can be wetted. It’s my hope and prayer that as you engage with this fasting practice you’ll discover a new nearness to Emmanuel, God with us, this Advent.